The original creations of my workshop. To color your home !
Are you interested in a personalized creation ? Feel free to contact me.
Move the cursor on the thumbnails to see the PRICES.
Click on the thumbnails to ENLARGE and to see the flowers' SIZES.
Vases, baskets |
Bouquets |
Ikebana |
Tillandsias, bromeliaces
Vases, baskets ^
Vases, baskets |
Bouquets |
Ikebana |
Tillandsias, bromeliaces
Bouquets ^
Vases, baskets |
Bouquets |
Ikebana |
Tillandsias, bromeliaces
Ikebana ^
Vases, baskets |
Bouquets |
Ikebana |
Tillandsias, bromeliaces
Tillandsias, bromeliaces ^
Vases, baskets |
Bouquets |
Ikebana |
Tillandsias, bromeliaces